Andi Soraya Biography :
In 2010, cases of abuse had ever done to a woman named Sri Sukesih in Kemang, South Jakarta area mid 2008 and then finally was decided by the Supreme Court (MA). Andi who continue to take legal action from the High Court until the Supreme Court also must receive a prison sentence of 3 months.
Earlier, during the trial in South Jakarta Religious Court, Andi gets jail sentence for three months. The verdict was much lower than the demands of the public prosecutor (prosecutor) Daulat Napitupulu for 10 months in jail. The defendant then appealed to the Jakarta High Court that ultimately decided three months in jail with six months probation.
Prosecutors are not satisfied with the results then filed an appeal to the Supreme Court who eventually won the South Jakarta District Court to carry out the original verdict of imprisonment for three months.
Andi Soraya was already three times absent from the official summons. Therefore, Andi will be executed by force. Various reasons had proposed to postpone this execution, including the presence of children who are still fosterage, also shooting FTV obligation which still must be done. In fact, Andi Soraya had complained this matter to the National Commission for Child Protection on behalf of the fate of her children during her detention.
Finally, on August 31, 2010, Andi Soraya Attorney executed by the three officers who accompanied the police, who came home in the area of Housing Andi Soraya Puri Cinere, Depok, Bogor, West Java. Before starting to execute, they also have asked for help to the local RT.
There is no coercion in the execution process, as Andi Soraya with resignation drove to the Attorney to sign the files before taken to the Rutan Pondok Bambu.
Andi Soraya own children will be cared for by Steve Emmanuel, the former lover who is also father of her children, as long as Andi behind bars.
In Rutan Pondok Bambu, Andi Soraya placed one cell with Jennifer Dunn, one of the artist who has been serving a sentence for 11 months.
During his detention period, which was represented by his attorney Aya always maintains a PK (judicial review) in order to clean the good name of Andi Soraya.